Who is Deng Feng-Zhou dating?


Deng Feng-Zhou  Taiwanese Poet


Zodiac: Libra


Deng Feng-Zhou is a 73 year old Taiwanese Poet born on 10th October, 1949 in Chiayi City, Taiwan. Their zodiac sign is Libra.

Deng Feng-Zhou is a member of the following lists: 1949 births, Republic of China Taoists and Taiwanese poets.


Birthday 10th October, 1949
Birthplace Chiayi City, Taiwan
Zodiac Sign Libra
Nationality Taiwanese
Occupation Poet

Deng Feng-Zhou (simplified Chinese: 邓丰洲; traditional Chinese: 鄧豐洲; pinyin: Dèng Fēngzhōu; Peh-ōe-jī: Tēng Hong-chiu; born October 10, 1949, other names Deng Chang-dao 鄧昌島 or Shanyangzi 善陽子) is a Chinese poet, local history writer, Taoist Neidan academics and environmentalist.

Source: https://www.whosdatedwho.com/dating/deng-feng-zhou

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