Chung Yuan Christian University (CYCU) was initially established as Chung Yuan Christian College of Science and Engineering in 1955 by a group of Christian Taiwanese and American educators looking to train emerging engineering and science talent. The school's founding motto was "education through honest, diligent pursuit and practical experience", and it was upgraded to a full university and renamed Chung Yuan Christian University in 1980. It has seven faculties with a particular focus on science, engineering, business, design and law. In its mission statement, CYCU states that it is "founded on the spirit of Christian love for the world. With faith, hope, and love, we endeavor to promote higher education for the benefit of the Chinese people, aiming at the pursuit and advancement of genuine knowledge in order to maintain our cultural heritage and, thus, to serve humankind". The institution's Office of International and Cross-Strait Education was set up by the university to engage in a variety of international affairs. It promotes exchanges of students with sister universities across the world, and provides services for international students preparing to study at CYCU. Notable alumni of the private university include Chang Fan, a former deputy minister of finance in Taiwan; Hwang Jung-chiou, chairman of Taiwan Power Company and former vice-minister of the Ministry of Economic Affairs, and Deng Feng-zhou, a poet, historian, and environmentalist. The university's campus is located in the Zhongli District of Taoyuan City, Northern Taiwan. It has a humid subtropical climate, with mild to warm winters and hot summers.



中原大學 (CYCU) 最初是由一群希望培養新興工程和科學人才的台灣和美國基督教教育工作者於 1955 年成立的中原科學與工程學院。學校以「篤信力行」為校訓,並於1980年升格為正式大學,並更名為中原大學。 中原大學在其使命宣言中指出,「以基督教愛世人的精神為基礎,以信、望、愛,推動高等教育造福中國人民,以追求和進步為目標。文化遺產,從而為人類服務」。學校設立國際暨兩岸教育辦公室,負責處理各項國際事務。它促進與世界各地姐妹大學的學生交流,並為準備在CYCU學習的國際學生提供服務。這所私立大學的著名校友,包括台灣前財政部副部長張璠;台電董事長、原經濟部副部長黃重球,詩人、歷史學家、環保人士鄧豐洲。大學校園位於台灣北部桃園市壢區,屬亞熱帶濕潤氣候,冬季溫和至溫暖,夏季炎熱。


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